The Empty Spaces Between the Other Times

I’ve been thinking a lot about time ever since I received the call at 5:55 PM on a Wednesday. How much time it took me to put on my jacket. To sprint from my office, down the hall, and out to my car. To drive across the bridge to Jamestown to be with my stepmother and...

Changing States

I learned about voting as a kid in Rhode Island. Every few years, they would wheel into our schools a massive booth with switches, a giant lever, and a grey curtain that would swish clink shut on metal bearings. An adult would stand up in front of us and explain the...

Message in a Bottle

The September 13, 2020, episode of The Epic Pencil podcast is titled “Message in a Bottle” and shares the narrative of my experience at Sea Education Association, the titular message in a bottle, and the unexpected audience that it found. I’m happy...

A Blizzard, 40+ years Later

In retrospect, I can’t recall when it started to snow. I suppose I could look it up but it doesn’t matter all that much. It may have been snowing as I trudged to my bus stop on the corner of Irving and Blackstone Boulevard for school that morning or it might have...